It’s quite easy to make your own Kombucha tea at home from a few basic ingredients found in your kitchen along with a SCOBY and a little starter. Kombucha tea is the result of a fermentation process which converts a sugary tea solution into what many cultures referred to as the elixir of life. This step by step Kombucha tea recipe should have you fermenting in no time at all.
How To Increase Water Absorption
Drinking more water is an important aspect of life. While many people realize this and make an effort to actually drink their required amounts of this precious fluid, drinking more water by itself might not be enough. In principle, it seems simple, but what may actually be a more important question to ask is, am I absorbing the water I’m drinking?
Whats Really In Chicken McNuggets
McDonalds chicken McNuggets are a favorite food like substance for many people, including children, but do you know what’s really in them? Chicken isn’t the only thing and even at that, you can barely call it chicken. Mostly, chicken McNuggets are made from ….